TIMEAugust to October
- Sowing
Distanceline to line 6 inches
and plant to
plant 4 inches - Fruit
Weight80-100 gms
- Fruit
ShapeBell shaped
- Days to
maturityMatures in
150-160 days
- Details
- How to sow
- Reviews
Like garlic and leeks, onions too are an allium vegetable that were cultivated 2000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Particularly rich in polyphenol and flavanoids, care should be taken not to over-peel the papery layer of onions for fear of losing much of the essentials. Including onions in your diet is also a great way to prevent colorectal, laryngeal, ovarian, oral, and esophageal cancers. It has been specially effective to keep the heart and blood vessels in an excellent condition and a great defense against heart attacks. There is good news for menopausal women too! Eating onions can help them gain bone density and lower the risk of fractures due to accidental falls. Also rich in sulphur, onions are very beneficial for the formation of connective tissues. The other main nutrients found in onions include Vitamin A, B6, C, E, sodium, potassium, iron, and dietary fibre. Onions also contain the coveted allyl propyl disulphide which helps in maintaining optimum blood sugar levels too.
Mostly, onions are eaten raw in salads, sandwiches, and other savoury side dishes. While they can be cooked in a variety of styles. Sautee, steam, bake, grill, boil or have a soup made entirely and just of onions! Have them any which way you like, but be sure to make them a part of your meals so as not to miss out on the benefits.
Planting instructions
Before planting onion seeds, add a 2 inches thick layer of compost into the soil, then mix organic fertilizer like Cotton Seed Meal, Seaweed, Cow Manure, etc. with the soil. It is advisable to start onions indoors if you are planting directly from seeds.
Sow the seeds 1 inch deep in the soil. Maintain a distance of about half an inch or more between each seed. If you are planting rows directly in the garden, keep a space of at least 1 and a half to 2 feet between the rows. Onion seeds usually take only 7-10 days to germinate.
Once the seedlings have enough leaf growth, thin the plants to 3-4 inches apart. If you started your onion plants indoors, then 4-6 weeks from planting, take them outdoors for transplanting.
Growing Requirements
Pests & Diseases
Pests: Bulb Mites, Leaf Miners, Onion Maggots, Thrips. Diseases: Black Mold, Botrytis Leaf Blight, Downy Mildew, Fusarium Basal Plate Rot, Fusarium Damping-off, Pink Root, Purple Blotch, Rust, Smut, White Rot, Leaf Streak, Bulb Rot, Onion Yellow Dwarf, Pythium Seed Rot. Watering the plants in the morning helps to avoid fungal diseases. Companion plants significantly reduce incoming pests on your crops. Watering down the plants with a strong stream of water followed by an application of diluted neem or castor oil on the pest-affected parts of the plant will help to get rid of them.
Sandy loam to heavy clay with a pH level of 5.5 to 6.5.
Full sun; onions cannot grow in partial or full shade.
The ideal germination temperature needed by onions is between 20°C to 25°C.
If you add mulch to the soil, your onion plants will not require too much water. Onion plants can thrive on as little as 1 inch of water in a week.
how to harvest
To reach full maturity, onion plants take 150-160 days. You’ll know when to harvest the onions when the foliage starts to turn yellow and begins to fall over. At this stage, you can stomp on the foliage to bend it down. This will accelerate the ripening process. To harvest the onions, loosen the soil around the bulbs to encourage drying. When the foliage has turned brown, you can pull out the bulbs.
Mature onions may get spoilt in the fall weather. Make sure you harvest the bulbs during late summer, before the winter. When the onions finish developing, their foliage will begin to flop over. At this stage, wait for the entire batch to flop over. You can let the onions plants undisturbed if they have sent up flower stalks. However, for the remaining plants with flopped over foliage, you should stop watering them at this stage and leave them in the ground for about 7 to 14 days to allow them to mature completely.
On a dry summer day, you can go ahead and pull out the onion bulbs by pulling the roots. You can dig a little bit around the plant to loosen the onions from the soil and then leave them out in the sun for 2 days to dry out. Curing - This is a month long process that involves drying out the onions to prepare them for storage. Properly cured onions would be able to survive for a prolonged period of time in storage.

Customer Reviews
The productiveness of any seed we sell is subject to your local climatic conditions*, the sowing method you adopt, and your commitment to the planting process. We give no warranty, expressed or implied, and are in no way responsible for the produce.
Please note that all our seasonal recommendations/ sowing information is as per the local climatic conditions. *For more information on the optimum conditions required for growing seeds in your region, please contact us at, hello@allthatgrows.in or Whatsapp us at, +91 8544865077
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Onion Red Seeds
Seed Type : Non-Hybrid, Open Pollinated and Non-GMO
Sowing time : August to October
Bulb color : purplish red
Specifications: bell shaped, 80-100 gms, moderately pungent
Maturity : matures in 150-160 days
Like garlic and leeks, onions too are an allium vegetable that were cultivated 2000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Particularly rich in polyphenol and flavanoids, care should be taken not to over-peel the papery layer of onions for fear of losing much of the essentials. Including onions in your diet is also a great way to prevent colorectal, laryngeal, ovarian, oral, and esophageal cancers. It has been specially effective to keep the heart and blood vessels in an excellent condition and a great defense against heart attacks. There is good news for menopausal women too! Eating onions can help them gain bone density and lower the risk of fractures due to accidental falls. Also rich in sulphur, onions are very beneficial for the formation of connective tissues. The other main nutrients found in onions include Vitamin A, B6, C, E, sodium, potassium, iron, and dietary fibre. Onions also contain the coveted allyl propyl disulphide which helps in maintaining optimum blood sugar levels too.
Mostly, onions are eaten raw in salads, sandwiches, and other savoury side dishes. While they can be cooked in a variety of styles. Sautee, steam, bake, grill, boil or have a soup made entirely and just of onions! Have them any which way you like, but be sure to make them a part of your meals so as not to miss out on the benefits.
Seed Type : Non-Hybrid, Open Pollinated and Non-GMO
Sowing time : August to October
Bulb color : purplish red
Specifications: bell shaped, 80-100 gms, moderately pungent
Maturity : matures in 150-160 days
TIMEAugust to October
- Sowing
Distanceline to line 6 inches
and plant to
plant 4 inches - Fruit
Weight80-100 gms
- Fruit
ShapeBell shaped
- Days to
maturityMatures in
150-160 days
Planting instructions
Before planting onion seeds, add a 2 inches thick layer of compost into the soil, then mix organic fertilizer like Cotton Seed Meal, Seaweed, Cow Manure, etc. with the soil. It is advisable to start onions indoors if you are planting directly from seeds.
Sow the seeds 1 inch deep in the soil. Maintain a distance of about half an inch or more between each seed. If you are planting rows directly in the garden, keep a space of at least 1 and a half to 2 feet between the rows. Onion seeds usually take only 7-10 days to germinate.
Once the seedlings have enough leaf growth, thin the plants to 3-4 inches apart. If you started your onion plants indoors, then 4-6 weeks from planting, take them outdoors for transplanting.
Growing Requirements
Pests & Diseases
Pests: Bulb Mites, Leaf Miners, Onion Maggots, Thrips. Diseases: Black Mold, Botrytis Leaf Blight, Downy Mildew, Fusarium Basal Plate Rot, Fusarium Damping-off, Pink Root, Purple Blotch, Rust, Smut, White Rot, Leaf Streak, Bulb Rot, Onion Yellow Dwarf, Pythium Seed Rot. Watering the plants in the morning helps to avoid fungal diseases. Companion plants significantly reduce incoming pests on your crops. Watering down the plants with a strong stream of water followed by an application of diluted neem or castor oil on the pest-affected parts of the plant will help to get rid of them.
Sandy loam to heavy clay with a pH level of 5.5 to 6.5.
Full sun; onions cannot grow in partial or full shade.
The ideal germination temperature needed by onions is between 20°C to 25°C.
If you add mulch to the soil, your onion plants will not require too much water. Onion plants can thrive on as little as 1 inch of water in a week.
how to harvest
To reach full maturity, onion plants take 150-160 days. You’ll know when to harvest the onions when the foliage starts to turn yellow and begins to fall over. At this stage, you can stomp on the foliage to bend it down. This will accelerate the ripening process. To harvest the onions, loosen the soil around the bulbs to encourage drying. When the foliage has turned brown, you can pull out the bulbs.
Mature onions may get spoilt in the fall weather. Make sure you harvest the bulbs during late summer, before the winter. When the onions finish developing, their foliage will begin to flop over. At this stage, wait for the entire batch to flop over. You can let the onions plants undisturbed if they have sent up flower stalks. However, for the remaining plants with flopped over foliage, you should stop watering them at this stage and leave them in the ground for about 7 to 14 days to allow them to mature completely.
On a dry summer day, you can go ahead and pull out the onion bulbs by pulling the roots. You can dig a little bit around the plant to loosen the onions from the soil and then leave them out in the sun for 2 days to dry out. Curing - This is a month long process that involves drying out the onions to prepare them for storage. Properly cured onions would be able to survive for a prolonged period of time in storage.